DriverMax: How to backup drivers in Windows

There are many situation when you need to backup drivers in your Windows installation. Since you are able to backup your drivers directly from the Windows installation, you can forget to installation media shipped with your hardware. Backup the drivers and feel free to reinstall your system.

DriverMax is one of the many tools you can find, which do the drivers backup in Windows operating system. Moreover DriverMax is able to find updates for your drivers currently installed.

Drivers backup

So there is a simple tutorial for backup and restore your drivers using the freeware utility DriverMax from Innovative Solutions:

  1. Install the DriverMax, run it and click the Driver Operations group.
  2. Click Export drivers and the wizard will appear.
  3. Select one or all founded drivers:
  4. Continue with the Next button.
  5. DriverMax will save your drivers to the selected folder or create the ZIP file with all the drivers.

After you reinstall, you can import these drivers using standard Windows procedure or the Import Drivers function in the DriverMax. You can also put these drivers to your Windows installation CD/DVD using tools like nLite or vLite.

How to update drivers

DriverMax is very useful as an updating tool. If you will use its Update function, you will see a web page with the list of updated drivers. These are downloaded from the other DriverMax users. So be careful and note that using this function you can download non-official drivers which can harm you system.


If found DriverMax very usable. It is free, works perfectly as a backup tool and adds the update functionality. You can use it to view how much space occupied your drivers files in your system. Just export the drivers and check the folder size.